
Dated 19 February, 2017

The Indian Bakery Pastry Market & Trends

The Indian Bakery market is estimated to be worth Rs. 16,500 cr, growing at a healthy 7.5 % per annum. It is one of the largest food industries consisting various product categories like breads, biscuits, pastries, cakes, buns and rusks. These bakery products are fast catching up with the popularity trend as lifestyle of Indians are rapidly changing. The major categories are breads and biscuits, cornering about 82% of the Indian Bakery market. Another product segment worth mentioning is Cakes and Pastries. This segment is estimated to be worth Rs. 1,250 cr of which significant 65% is accounted for by the unorganized sector.

Red Velvet Cake

Red velvet cake is a cake with either a dark red, bright red or red-brown colour. It’s traditionally prepared as a layer cake topped with cream cheese or cooked roux icing. The reddish color is achieved by adding beetroot or red food colouring.

It is one of the prettiest things I have seen, with beautiful red sponge layered with serene white layer from cream cheese & white chocolate.

Jar Cakes

I just celebrated my birthday last week & Jar cake is what my wife gifted me.

These jar cakes have taken the Indian metros by storm. They look pretty convenient to carry & could be a beautiful gifting idea. Where a regular cake becomes too fragile to carry, these jar cakes are easy to mobilize, you can eat what you want till your tummy & mind is satisfied & keep the rest back in the fridge for later.

Latest trends in Cakes & Dessert

It has taken a while, but the cupcake that has been in vogue since the advent of 2000-2001 has been nudged off its perch. There’s a whole raft of sweet treats out there, waiting in the wings for a renaissance.

Internal designer cakes:

Deceptively simple from the outside, it is only when you cut into these cakes that the magic is revealed – so sit back and wait for the gasps. From multi-layered cakes in vibrant colors, to hidden hearts embedded in an outwardly plain sponge, keep the decoration to a minimum to make the most of what lies inside.


Soon you won’t be able to find a farmers market without a stand selling these moreish treats. Flavours can be as grown up as you like, from saffron to strawberry, blackcurrant to beetroot – marshmallows are without a doubt the current after-dinner favourite in all the smartest restaurants, delis & cafes.


These gorgeous delights are the cupcake of Paris right now, and it won’t be long before they cross the Channel in abundance. The prettier and more jewel-like the decoration, the better they are. Experiment with fondant icing transformed with natural food colouring, then tailor the flavour to the hue – a drop of blackcurrant cassis works with a purple icing, while framboise works with pink. Once you’ve cracked your technique, get experimenting with the cream filling, by adding hazelnut or almond extract, coffee or cocoa.


Following a vast trail of baked goods before them, the humble doughnut has turned artisan. Making them in the traditional ball-shape allows you to play around with fillings such as chocolate, custard, marmalade or fruit, but we like them served spanish-style as piped fingers with an English country garden spin.

Mini desserts

At the end of the meal, many diners crave just a little something sweet that doesn’t cost too much in terms of money or their diets. So rather than having a huge banana split or the high calorie sundae, people have started having small pies like apple, cinnamon, mini brownies or marshmallows

Dessert samplers and trios

Mini desserts turn maxi for sharing and sampling.

Rather than having 1 large dessert, people today like having a platter with small desserts like a combo of brownie, mousse & mini tarts, these give them more choice & they can taste more goodies in the same or similar price.

Healthy desserts

For those who want to have their cake and diet too, calorie-controlled items fit the bill. The ultimate healthy dessert is fresh fruit. Some restaurants are adding to the appeal of this simple choice with fancy formats such as mixed-fruit skewers served with fruit, frozen fruit pops, fruit lollies etc. These satisfy your craving without adding to the calories & making you feel guilty after having them