Dated 22 October, 2017
5 Deadly Threats of Diet Soda
You have probably been consuming diet soda till now thinking its calorie free and it gives a beautifying effect. Rather it plays a completely reverse role on your health leaving you with harmful effects in your body.
Lets count on the negative effects of Diet Soda for a clearer picture!
1.) Neurotoxic
Artificial sweeteners are generally considered as an option to sugar but its not healthy.
Diet Soda includes the use of an artificial sweetener aspartame. It behaves as the neurotoxin.
This element is hundred times sweet like sugar & contains insignificant calories. Aspartame acts as an excitotoxin that generates inside our brain and excite the neurons in the brain to an extent that leads to the death of brain cells.
2.) Acidifying
Soda comprises of numerous acidic chemicals. The acids present in this diet soda extract the minerals from our teeth & bones making them extremely weak and prone to fractures & problems like osteoporosis. Body tissue gets corroded with these acidic substances. These acidifying effects of acids in diet soda on your skin & body will make you look older your age and you will look dull.
3.) Headaches
Sucralose, an artificial sweetener is also used in diet soda. This element is a major contributor of headaches, migraines, damage of the thymus gland and gastrointestinal issues. Sucralose in most cases also triggers the sugar cravings that lead to increased appetite, in turn weight gain.
4.) Obesity Risks Increase
Though diet soda is said to have no calories, it does has the impact similar to that if you consume actual sugar. When you consume diet soda, the sweet taste in it is perceived by your body as actual sugar and the body is forced to give out insulin. Diet soda in turn leads you to gain weight instead of losing it.
5.) Heart disease
Research in the recent past has shown that people who consumed diet soda daily are prone to an almost 60% increased risk of heart disease as compared to the other diseases as per the age etc. so, why risk life with diet soda?
Image Credit: http://www.healthypage.com/assets/images/iStock_000019465839XSmall.jpg