Dated 2 July, 2017
Best Baking Dishes
If baking is your forte then there are something’s you will definitely want to know with regard to what kind of dish you could use to go with your baking rendezvous. Baking dishes come in a variety of sizes, styles and choice of materials and just as many uses. And while some are handy as oven baking dishes for meats or casseroles, others are more suited for baking cakes.
Ceramic can go straight from the freezer to the oven—even to the table, where it helps keep food warm. It heats up gradually, so it’s ideal for dishes that need slow, even cooking, such as custards and baked-noodle dishes.
Like ceramic, glass is nonreactive, so it’s good for acidic foods like tomatoes. Bakers like it because they can see if the bottom is done. It costs less than ceramic but can crack when exposed to big temperature swings.
Metal heats quickly and gives food crisp edges, so it’s perfect for cakes and brownies. It’s also a great time-saver.