Dated 15 October, 2017
Frying Tips
With health consciousness at such a high point these days, many people do not deep fry food. But sometimes fried food is just what you want! If you’re going to consume the calories, make sure that the food is fried perfectly. Deep fat frying is a dry heat cooking method. It is considered dry because no water is used, unlike poaching, microwaving, or simmering. Here’s how to do it:
The oil must reach a good temperature to brown the exterior of the food quickly while cooking it. That temperature is almost always between 175 °C and 200 °C degrees. Use a frying thermometer to check the oil temperature if needed.
Use canola oil for frying. It is low in saturated fat, has a high burning point, and does not detract from the flavor of the food you are frying.
Avoid crowding food that is deep-fat-fried. The food must be surrounded by bubbling oil, and you must keep the temperature from falling too much. If you add too much food to a small amount of oil, the temperature will plummet, and the food will wind up greasy and soggy.
Never fill the pot more than halfway with oil; this will prevent bubbling over when the food is added. Dry food well with paper towels before adding to the pot; this will reduce splattering. And finally to get full flavor of the seasonings, fry them until they change color.