Dated 5 November, 2017
Time to beat that post lunch fatigue – 5 simple ways
Do you feel that “heavy lunch equal to very low energy” kind of a feeling? Finding it tough to endure sleepy afternoon after lunch? Is the time passing too slowly, specially between 3-5 PM? Do you experience tiredness, decreased focus, low output etc.?
The culprit is your body trying to digest that heavy lunch depriving you of all the energy and diverting it to digest your heavy meal instead of preserving it for creativity & productivity.
Don’t be a victim of post lunch sprawls such as coffee, energy drinks 7 candies etc. A well thought of nutrition, tools & tricks you can make the afternoon sail through enthusiastic & energetic.
Healthy start up to your Day
How you start your day, what you eat or drink first thing in the morning has a great impact on your appetite throughout the day. Eggs, caffeine, energy drinks & sugars in the morning will lead to a digestive trouble during the day as they will keep you energetic initially, draining your energy by mid-day. We recommend the best way to start your day is hot water with lemon or oatmeal as they don’t cause a fluctuation in your energy levels.
Light to heavy eating is advised
Starting the day with heavy foods will lead your body into the trouble. It would be struggling to digest the other foods. Your body won’t be able to soak up essential nutrients required for energy from consumed foods and a huge amount of energy is utilized for the digestion. Solution: Eat light to heavy as less energy is utilized breaking down the nutrients. You can try veggies and green salad.
Don’t consume animal products
Avoid products like milk during lunch as a great deal of energy is used up to digest it and in the process an acidic residue is left in your body.
Cut down on Caffeine and Sugar intake
Of course it provides you with the energy you need during those hours of noon. But its addictive, and once its effects go down you feel lethargic and exhausted wanting for more caffeine and sugar. It boosts the levels of serotonin, dopamine, and acetycholine in your body so we feel enegetic. But, within sometime we again feel restless and anxious.
Energizing foods help
Include leafy vegetables, beans, whole grains, avocados & brown rice etc. in your noon diet as they are rich in carbohydrates and balanced levels of proteins & fats that help you smoothly sail through the afternoon.
Image Credit: http://healthyagingreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/drowsyatwork.jpg