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It is prepared with mushrooms, green peppers, Pimeto/red peppers in a Bechamel sauce.

Powdered dry mango. A spice prepared by grinding dry mangoes.

A mixture of vinegar and honey. This mixture produces a sweet-sour syrup/paste. It is generally used to preserve fruits.

Thin or long slices of poultry of fish.

Carom thyme/Bishops weed, seeds in Hindi. A famous Indian spice used in many delicacies.

Indian gooseberry. An edible food, also used as an Ayurveda herb.

This is a regular Spanish cooking style. The food is generally cooked in tomatoes, onions and white wine.

Ginger root in Hindi, it is used as a spice, medicinal herb and a delicacy in most parts of the world including India.

It is processed seaweed, white grayish in color and is available in powder, flakes, sticks or granules. It is a kind of a vegetarian gelatin.

Celery or Radhuni seeds. Celery seeds are used as medicine and spices in India.


An anise-flavored liqueur made by steeping wormwood and other aromatic herbs like hyssop, lemon balm, and angelica in alcohol.

Aerate means sifting. It is a process of passing dry ingredients through a sifter so that large pieces from the mixture can be removed.

Bacon generally comes from pig fat, especially the sides. The most desirable bacon is cut from the breast of the hog. Bacon is cured with sugar or salt, to give it a sweet or salty taste.

The combination of baking soda, cream of tartar, and a moisture absorber (like cornstarch) is called Baking powder. It has the action of yeast but acts quickly. It's used in batters where there is no acid present.

It is a popular Mid Eastern pastry that is made with buttered layers of phyllo dough.

Balti is an Indian dish and can be in form of veggies and meat. The spices mixed to flavor the dish are generally a combination of seeds (coriander, cardamom, cumin, black mustard, fennel, wild onion, and fenugreek).

Bananas are a part of the lily family, a cousin of the orchid, and a member of the herb family. With stalks 25 feet high, they're the largest plant on earth without a woody stem.

It is a derivative of the West Indian term barbacoa, which denotes a method of slow-cooking meat over hot coals.

To brush, drip liquid or spoon a dish/ food during or before cooking. To add flavor to the food, or to glaze the food.

Its Black Cardamom in Hindi. Seeds have strong camphor like smell and flavor. These are dried and then are used as an important spice in many Indian dishes.

A light mousse usually made with chocolate, praline or fruit.

Originally the name of the large, smooth, kidney-shaped, edible seeds within the uneatable long pods of the "broad bean."

Also known as Mother Sauce or Meres, it is one of the four basic sauces in France. It is also known as "white sauce."

In England, it is the equivalent of U.S. cookies (small, sweet cakes). In the U.S., a type of non-yeast bread made of flour, milk, and shortening, usually served with breakfast - small, and similar to what much of the world refers to as "scones."

The blood orange is a sweeter version of Orange. It has a slight raspberry aftertaste. This fruit can be enjoyed as any other orange, for its juice, or in fruit salads, or as a garnish for desserts, but its high price dictates that it should be reserved for special occasions.

The blueberry of the genus "Vaccinium," is a Native American species. These are one of the three berries native to North America.

Bread is the name given to the oldest, commonest, and cheapest form of human food. Bread is made of the flour or meal of one or more kinds of cereals, which can be obtained from some grasses, seeds, and rootstocks other than cereals.

A traditional pudding that dates back to earlier times. It was originated as a solution to utilize stale and unused bread.

Broth is flavored liquid prepared by simmering vegetables, fish, meat, or poultry.

A traditional Indian sweet dish prepared using Almonds, flour, sugar and ghee.

A big flour tortilla which is filled by a number of ingredients including beans, beef or pork

These are generally found in the Black and Caspian Seas. It is the largest of the sturgeon family (almost 2000 pounds) and is considered the finest caviar. The eggs are light to dark gray in color.

Bagels are bread rolls in the shape of a doughnut or an old-fashioned curtain ring. The brown crust is obtained on the rolls by first boiling them in water and then baking them in an oven.

Baking soda is the alkaline element bicarbonate of soda. It is used solely as a chemical leavener in baking.

Balsamic vinegar is an aged reduction of white sweet grapes (Trebbiano for red and Spergola for white sauvignon) that are boiled to syrup.

These are young shoots of the bamboo plant. The bamboo shoots are grown from an underground stock, and are cut soon after they appear above the ground. Bamboo shoots are mainly used in China and Japan.

A dish made of bananas and rum which is flamed and served over vanilla ice cream.

Barley is commonly recognized as pearl barley, which is conventionally used in stews and soups. Barley is also used in summer salads, casseroles, and side dishes.

The name of many semi-liquid, floury mixtures of flour, water or milk (or both) or some other liquid. It also usually includes sugar and eggs. Batters may be thin or thick (but even when thick, they must be fluid enough to drop from a spoon).

Basil means "king" in Greek. It has been highly regarded throughout the ages. Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a sun-loving annual with highly aromatic leaves that have pleasant spicy odor and taste like cloves or anise.

Of all the vegetarian products, bean curd is the most and versatile important ingredient in the Chinese cuisine. Bean curds are made of soybean powder and come in square cakes measuring 2 1/2 or 3 inches to a side. They are white and have the consistency of firm custard.

Its scientific name is Beta vulgaris. The numerous varieties of beet are the red, or garden, beet, the sugar beet, and Swiss chard.

A Betty is generally baked dessert. It dates back to Colonial rule in America. A baked pudding made with layers of spiced sweetened fruit (usually apples) and buttered breadcrumbs.

A bisque is a puree of rich, thick and creamy sauce.

Also known as Fromage bleu, these cheeses are prepared in the Roquefort area in southeastern France.

Blue, blue-mold, or blue-veined cheese is the name for cheese of the Roquefort type that is made in the United States and Canada.

Beans baked slowly over a long period of time.

The seeds of a South American tree which is found in the Amazon jungle. The tree yields 3 to 4 pound pods with thick shells that must be broken open with a machete.

Although it is a fruit, its light yellow flesh has the starchy consistency of unripe potatoes, which makes it seem more like a vegetable weighing between two to five pounds.

It is a member of the Cruciferae family and is a relative of cabbage, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower. It has tight clusters of tiny buds that sit on stout, edible stems. It is green in color.

These are buds of common cabbage plant. In appearance, Brussels sprouts are similar to small cabbages, but have stronger flavor.

Churning cream into a semi-solid form produces Butter.

It is a derivative of the West Indian term barbacoa, which denotes a method of slow-cooking meat over hot coals.

A bar which serves and sells wines.

To mix ingredients together thoroughly (either by hand or mixer).

A French phrase indicating "good appetite" or "enjoy”.

Very dry (unsweet) reference to Champagne or sparkling wine.

(1) To briefly sink food into the boiling water and then into cold water to stop cooking. (2) Blanching allows you to cook vegetables completely, and then cool them quickly for use in dishes like salad, soup, stew, and pasta. Blanching is used to loosen skins of fruits and vegetables or to prepare them for more cooking by another method.

To soften gelatin in cool liquid before using in the dish you are making.

This method of cooking involves heating the source above the food. In home cooking, an oven is often used for broiling by setting it so that only the top element comes on.

A combination of the words for breakfast and lunch, and which is neither breakfast nor lunch and is served during mid day. It is served mid-morning.

There are more than 70 varieties of cabbage. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, cauliflower, turnips, collards, and many more are all a member of the cabbage family.

A combination of refined flour, eggs, milk, some form of shortening, sweetening, flavoring and leavening agent. There are many cakes recipes.

Fried balls of dough and rice eaten covered with powdered sugar, unlike rice-filled beignets.

It is a pizza crust topped with the ingredients of a normal pizza except tomato, then folded over to a half-moon or crescent-shaped turnover.

A large white Italian kidney bean used in curries, soups and stews.

A very thin variety of Spaghetti which is also known as angel hair pasta.

Coffee prepared by topping espresso with creamy foamed steam milk. A small amount of the steamed milk is also added to the cup.

All peppers are members of the genus Capsicum. The term Capsicum originates from the Greek word "kapto" meaning, "to bite."

They are the fruit of the "carum carvi" a biennial plant, which grows in northern and central Europe and Asia.

Carpaccio is a standard Italian dish prepared from very thin slices of raw beef, served with olive oil, salt and pepper. The term also means very thin slices of meat, fish, and/or vegetables.

A freshwater fish with long, cat-like whiskers around the mouth.

This fish is widely used as a garnish for soups and canapés instead of "real" caviar.

The cayenne is one of the most widely used peppers in the world. The cayenne is about 3 to 5 times hotter than the jalapeno.

These are made from Moong Bean flour and are also called thread noodles. Moong is softened by soaking in hot water for 10 -15 minutes before cooking with other ingredients.

Ropey strands of egg white which anchor the yolk in place in the center of the thick white. They are neither imperfections nor beginning embryos.

This spice closely resembles anise and is obtained from star shaped Peri carp.

An end piece of French loaf, a slice, or a cube of bread that has been rubbed over with a clove of garlic and has been dipped in salt. It is generally placed at the bottom of a salad bowl before arranging salad.

Charlotte is a corruption of the Old English word "charlyt" meaning a "dish of custard." (1) One meaning of a charlotte is a round mold used to make a charlotte dessert. (2) The other meaning is the molded dessert that is composed of a filling surrounded by ladyfingers or bread.

A member of gourd family, Chayote is a pear shaped vegetable.

Camiki is ‘The Mango Extract’.

Cheese curds are the byproducts formed during cheese making process.

Cherries are now 250 different kinds, varying in size, taste and color. There are generally two main types of cherries, sweet and sour.

There are many varieties of chestnuts and the trees throughout the world. Chestnuts can be pureed, preserved, roasted, boiled and candied. Unblemished shells show no sign of drying.

An herb of which the roots are dried, ground, and roasted. Typically used to flavor coffee.

Chives are a part of the onion family. These are used for flavoring soups, dips, salads, eggs, cheeses, dressings, and sauces. These make an interesting and beautiful garnish when sprinkled on top of a dish/recipe.

A seasoned Mexican sausage prepared from hot peppers and ground pork.

A Chinese-American dish of fried noodles, meat and stewed vegetables.

A type of fermented Apple/Pear or sweet cherries juice.

An aromatic inner bark of the "cinnamonum zeylanicum", a native tree in Ceylon.

Curry Powder is a mixture of different spices prepared specifically for Indian curries. It is a blend of various spices.

The salad consists of greens (classically romaine lettuce) with a garlic vinaigrette dressing.

Calamari is a type of squid. This cephalopod has a long body with two tentacles, and eight arms.

Clams are mollusks living in the sediments of estuaries, bays or the even ocean floors. Clams are generally sold in shell or shucked.

Candlenut is a tropical nut generally used in Malaysian cuisines. The oil of the nut is used to make candles, thus the name.

This is a variety of muskmelon. Found in different shapes and sizes, these were used for trade usage

The closed green flower buds of Capparis Spinosa, a wild bush found mostly in the Mediterranean countries, notably southern France, Italy, and Algeria.

A Sicilian vegetable dish prepared by using many ingredients including cooked eggplant, tomatoes, celery, capers, vinegar, anchovies, olives, Chile peppers, and onions.

A subtype of Capri. This sauce is prepared from lightly cooked basil, mozzarella, tomatoes, pastas, fish, salads or meat.

Caramel is also known as "burnt sugar." It is generally a flavoring prepared by melting white sugar in a heavy skillet until it turns dark red or black. It should be stirred frequently over a very low heat to avoid burning.

Carbohydrates are organic compounds that contain carbon in combination with the same proportion of hydrogen and oxygen (water). All starches and sugars are carbohydrates.

Carrots are roots of a plant and are from parsley family

Cashews are natives of America but is also grown in India and East Africa. The nut hangs below the branch much like an apple.

Caviar/caviare (KA-vee-ahr)

The eggs of the Atlantic Salmon. They are large and bright red and they are excellent for garnishing dishes.

Celery is comes in whole stalk containing the outer branches and leaves. Sometimes the outer branches are detached and hearts are sold in clusters.

Celery seeds are the fruit of a plant related to the parsley family and are not to be confused with the plant we recognize and serve as a vegetable. Celery seeds are tiny and brown in color.

A white wine prepared from chardonnay grapes.

Chai is a term used for ‘Tea’ in many parts of the world. It is a fragrant milk tea that is growing more popular in the U.S. The term and the delicacy originated in India, where those in the cooler regions add spices to their tea.

Champagne is a type of sparkling wine. Only wines which are developed in France can be legally termed as Champagne. Other are called Sparkling wines.

These are commonly used in sweets in India.

Is considered the world's most popular dry white wine. Chardonnay has become almost synonymous in the mass market with a generic "glass of white wine."

The word in Hindi means "to lick". Chaat belongs to the traditional Hindu cuisine. In India, chaat refers to both a spice blend and a cold, spicy salad-like appetizer or snack that uses the spice blend. It can be made with chopped vegetables or fruits, or both. Indian Chaat is usually vegetarian.

Cheddar is the most famous form of Cheese. Mature English Farmhouse Cheddar is aged over nine months.

Cheese is made from the curds of milk hard-pressed together to form solid. Through the centuries, cheese has been made from the milk of any milk-producing animal, from the ass to the zebra. Today it is most commonly made from milk of cows, goats, or sheep, with a small fraction from water buffaloes.

To cut food into irregular pieces. The size is specified if it is critical to the outcome of the recipe.

These are eating utensils of about eight inches long, rectangular at the top and tapered at the eating ends. Today, chopsticks are used in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, as well as China, making them the world's second-most popular method of conveying food to mouth, the most popular being the fingers.

A line of people waiting for food.

The term originated from a latin word ‘Culina’ which means Kitchen. Today this term is used for almost everything related to cooking.

Dal is an Indian specialty prepared from pulses which have be stripped of their outer coverings. Dal is a thick stew which is prepared by boiling pulses with a variety of spices and vegetables.

Dates are extensively grown in Arabian and western Asian countries. Date is a date palm fruit having a sticky and chewy texture. Dates are plumped and generally are brown in color.

Dosa is a South Indian delicacy prepared from fermented rice batter. It is also popular in Malaysia and Singapore.

Dried apricaot are excellent substitute of apricot during odd seasons. These are rich in fiber and have an intense sweet flavor.

Dark chocolate is a type of milk free chocolate. Dark chocolate contains a good amount of cocoa solids and cocoa butter.

This herb is also known as Dill weed. Dill has thread like leaves in clusters. Dill has a strong and different taste from other herbs and has a slightly bitter undertone.

Double cream is also known as heavy cream or thick cream. It is rich and carries approximately 50% of fat content. The high fat content of double cream helps it to withstand boiling.

Dried cherries have a tangy taste and treated as a vine fruit. These are one of the main ingredients in muesli, energy bars and muffins.

Eggs are laid by female species of birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians. Chicken eggs are most commonly eaten by humans.

It is a Chinese pastry which is served as a starter or appetizer.

Eggplant is a fruit from the nightshade family. It is cultivated in many colors from purple to white and can grow in legth from 2 to 12 inches.

Scrambled eggs prepared by adding vegetables and spices.

A finely grounded meal of any edible grain.

A frozen form of mixed fruit juice or flavored liquid.

A sweet and savory deep fried cake prepared by dipping chopped food in a batter.

A natural byproduct of flowers or fruits. It is sweet and is more soluble than glucose. A healthy substitute for glucose and can be eaten by diabetics.

A classic Swiss dish prepared from Cheese, white wine and seasoning.

Any green or chopped variety of string beans.

A Chinese cuisine prepared from soaked rice and a mixture of vegetables, chicken or mutton.

A form of yogurt which has a texture of soft ice-cream. It is a healthy substitute of ice cream.

Potatoes are cut into thin and long strips, soaked in cold water, dried and deep fried until it turn brown.

An edible bulb which grows beneath the ground. Used as a spice and flavor worldwide.

Lamb’s/Goat’s meat.

Crunchy garlic flavored toast bread.

Cleaned butter, made from Cow’s or Buffalo’s milk.

A colorful and decorative edible food. These eatables are used for decorating dishes.

A mixture of sugar, milk, dry fruits and flour cooked with Ghee.

Hazel nuts grow in bunches and are found in the temperate zones.

Hamburger consists of a cooked beef patty sandwiched between two buns.

Sliced and fried potatoes served with a chutney or finely chopped onions and green peppers.


Irish coffee is a special mixture os strong coffe, irish whisky, whipped cream and sugar.


Jalapenos are dark green chilies which are dried and used as a seasoning.

A mixture of sugar, pectin and fruits. This mixture is cooked until it gets thick and becomes formless.

A bright mixture of sugar, pectin and fruit juices, Jellies have a tender texture and are hard enough to hold its shape.

Thick and dried sugarcane juice. Used a flouring agent in many curies.

An Indian dessert prepared by a batter of flour, milk powder and yogurt deep fried in oil and served with sweet syrup.

Hashi’, the Japanese word for chopsticks means a Bridge. The Japanese chopsticks are rounded and tapered at the ends.

Black Pepper

These small black onions seeds are used to add a sharp taste to curries and breads.

Kewra has a floral flavor and is used as a flavoring agent.

Hard and dried full fat milk. Used in many Indian sweet.

Indian Ice cream/ particularly made of rich milk, sugar and natural flavors.


Kidney beans are of the shape of a human kidney. These are red in color and are of medium size.

Spatula/spoon ladle

Kebabs are chunks of chicken, fish or meat which are first marinated and then threaded on a skewer for grilling.

Lavender is mainly used in salads as a flavoring agent. It is an aromatic plant with green leaves and violet flowers and is a close relative of Mint.

Also known as loose leaves and simpson leaves, These leaves have a great flavor and is used in a range of Indian and western delicacies.

Lactose is a type of milk sugar and naturally occurs in milk. It is also the least sweet sugar and is mainly used in baby food products.

A Drink prepared in India using Yogurt, sugar and different flavoring agents.

When yeast is added to batter, it becomes sponge. This batter is stiff and cannot be dropped from a spoon, but can be easily handled.